What is EvSpector?
EvSpector is a consultancy service aimed at assisting you to make a decision regarding any real estate property that you plan to purchase or rent. Our consultancy service is a technical inspection with the help of technical devices and our experienced teams. At the conclusion of the inspection, you will be presented with a detailed technical report about the relevant real estate.
Don't waste your savings!
Spend the money you saved for years to buy real estate in a right way by benefitting from our service. Avoid unseen costs before you purchase or rent a real estate, by consulting us beforehand.
A healthier life!
The quality of the environment you live in will also determine the quality of your life. You must be informed and aware of the quality of the real estate you will live in while you are still forming your decision.
Avoid bad surprises!
Although the real estate you want to buy or rent may initially look good to your eyes, there might be some hidden problems that escaped your eyes at first glance.
Ask to professionals!
Benefit from the service provided by our technically well-equipped and experienced team while forming your opinion about the real estate.